Monthly Archives: March 2011

Sometime You Owe an Apology

After the last post (Who Said – Pop Knows Everything), KK’s assertion was that while clarifying to my readers that my granddaughters are developing the ability to take the advise given and use it – or not – based on … Continue reading

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Who Said – Pop Knows Everything!

A friend at work stops by my office on a regular basis. We exchange ideas and opinions on a wide range of topics – football, politics religion, or current events. After our discussions, he leaves the office better informed – … Continue reading

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Legalism: March Madness All Year Long

If you think about it, legalism is like March Madness all year long. How does legalistic theology relate to a championship basketball tournament? Simply! “One and out” ! Just like the tournament, lose a game and you go home. In … Continue reading

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Addiction to Legalism

Like an old computer screen with a burnt-in image, individuals brought up in legalistic theology have a thought process burnt into their mind. Even for those who fully accepted the concept of Salvation through Grace, a former legalist is still … Continue reading

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Seeing Beyond Legalist

By the time I was fifteen, I had come to the realization that the message being delivered wasn’t right – at least not to me. However; there was still that requirement that I be present in church. So unconscientiously, I … Continue reading

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Fear Factor of Legalism

God’s Grace is eternal – providing comfort and reassurance to the believer. Legalistic grace is volatile and fleeing – generating constant fear for the victim. As a young boy, our family took summer vacations. They weren’t like your typical vacation; … Continue reading

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Casualties of Legalism

Several adult influences in my early life were in constant battle with the legalist struggle. They were mentors for me, and not just in a spiritual way. I worked for them, hunted and fished with them, and developed a lot … Continue reading

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Destructive Force of Legalism

Legalism destroys hope.   Like a child’s game of “King of the Mountain”, backslidden members of the church toiled to reclaim their lost salvation.  With every acknowledged stumble, confess and repentance were essential.  Backsliders didn’t just slide down the hill a … Continue reading

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Growing up a Legalistic

Growing up; every time the church doors were opened – I could be found in attendance with the regular congregation.  An intense love for God had not drawn me there – but rather parental demand. And with the church being a legalistic Pentecostal … Continue reading

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